Leveraging diverse scientific techniques to study internal structures, enhancing our approach to personalize fracture care

Validation Capabilities at the Julius Wolff Institute, Charité

At the Julius Wolff institute, we can assess the inside of the human body by different methods: musculo-skeletal models, telemetric measurements (orthoload.com), animal experiments, clinical cases, or also fluoroscopy (X-rays) while internally, muscles and bones are loaded. This enables us to validate our models by directly comparing them to patient data or experiments with defined loads on artificial bones and fracture defects. Source of images: Dr. Adam Trepczynski, Dr. Philippe Moewis and Dr. Philipp Damm, Julius Wolff Institute, Charité.

Resources at Julius Wolff institute, Charité available for validation

Dual-plane video fluoroscopy for assessment of loaded internal kinematics of fracture healing

Custom musculo-skeletal model validated with telemetric measurement of joint forces

Largest loading data-base of real patient joint loads measured at multiple joints (orthoload.com)

Biomechanics lab for in vitro tests

Gait and movement lab with experts in training and movement

Experts of the biology of fracture healing and bone metabolism

Medical advisors and experts from the Center of Musculoskeletal Surgery Charité