Meet the MoveFx Team: Interdisciplinary Experts Driving Innovation in Fracture Treatment and Recovery


Mark Heyland

Post-Doc at Julius Wolff Institute, Charité

Wassim Alkillane

Software Developer, Charité

Nebras Turkieh

Software Developer, Charité

Philipp Damm

Post-Doc at Julius Wolff Institute, Charité

Georg Duda

Professor and director of the Julius Wolff Institute, Charité

We are looking for you

We are actively looking for new team members:Product ownerSoftware dev.PhysiotherapistCare specialists

MoveFx relies on an interdisciplinary team of engineers and software developers. We are embedded in a broad network of international clinical and research partners spanning world-leading networks in fracture treatment and globally leading commercial parties in fracture fixation, including advising trauma surgeons . We employ image and data processing, physical simulation, software automation and machine learning to enable reliable output for surgeons and postoperative caregivers to optimize effective treatment in a reliable and robust way. 

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